Agenda Constructiilor - January/February 2013 |
Marile proiecte de constructii - aproape inexistente in acest an
Major construction projects - almost nonexistent this year
Previziuni optime pe piata adezivilor, datorita reabilitarilor termice
Optimal forecasts on the adhesives market, due to thermal rehabilitation
Evolutie a domeniului placilor ceramice si obiectelor sanitare
Development of the field of ceramic tiles and sanitary wares
Incercari de stabilizare a segmentului sistemelor de finisare
Attempts to stabilize the finishing systems market segment
Lucrarile de renovare sprijina activitatea furnizorilor de gips-carton
The renovation projects sustains the drywall suppliers’ activity
Bransa pardoselilor speciale urmeaza trendul sectorului industrial
Special flooring branch follows the trend in industrial construction
RIGIPS: Crestere usoara a afacerilor si estimari moderat-pozitive
RIGIPS: Slight increase business and moderately-positive estimates
EPSTEIN: Dumpingul va obliga firmele sa se retraga de pe piata
EPSTEIN: Dumping will force companies to withdraw from the market
OAR: Arhitecti renumiti nu mai au de lucru sau si-au inchis birourile
OAR: Renowned architects no longer work or have closed their offices
DELTA STUDIO preconizeaza o majorare de 20% a livrarilor
DELTA STUDIO expects a 20% deliveries increase
SW UMWELTTECHNIK: Sporire moderata a afacerilor anuale
SW UMWELTTECHNIK: Moderate increase of the annual business
ZEEN DESIGN: Arhitectura se va dezvolta semnificativ dupa 2015
ZEEN DESIGN: Architecture will develop significantly after 2015
HARSCO: Mentinere a trendului ascendent al veniturilor
HARSCO: Maintaining an upward trend of the local income
MASTERPLAST: Incasari de 95 milioane de lei in acest an
MASTERPLAST: Planned business of RON 95 million this year
SAINT-GOBAIN WEBER: Extindere a productiei de adezivi
SAINT-GOBAIN WEBER to expand its adhesives production
GECAD NET: Crestere de 20% al vanzarilor de licente Autodesk
GECAD NET forecasts a 20% increase of Autodesk licenses sales
PROMOTERM: Reorientare a cererii catre echipamente calitative
PROMOTERM: Refocusing in demand towards qualitative equipment
INTERNATIONAL FBS HOLDING vizeaza expansiunea pe plan extern
FBS INTERNATIONAL HOLDING takes into consideration the external expansion
RETTIG: Cota de 12% pe segmentul local de radiatoare
RETTIG: 12% market share on the local radiator sector
EXPERT PROIECT 2002: Diminuare a rezultatelor financiare de anul trecut
EXPERT PROJECT 2002: Decrease of the financial results in 2012
PERI: Noua contractie, de pana la 20%, a pietei sistemelor de cofrare
PERI: New contraction, of up to 20%, on formwork systems market
VOLUM PLAN: Presiunea preturilor influenteaza calitatea constructiilor
VOLUM PLAN: Price increases affect the quality of construction projects
URBANPROIECT: Modul de organizare a licitatiilor, neproductiv
URBANPROIECT: The organization of tenders in Romania, unproductive
AIR TRADE CENTRE: Tendinta ascendenta pe piata de HVAC
AIR TRADE CENTRE: Upward trend on the HVAC market
DEPENBROCK: Strategie de crestere sustinuta pe termen mediu
DEPENBROCK: Strategy of sustainable growth for medium term
BAU: Pietele emergente au potential pentru participantii la targ
BAU: Great potential on emergent markets, for the fair participants
VSA: Proiectele, puse in executie peste cel putin un an de la elaborare
VSA: Projects, put on site over at least one year after development
UAR: Este o aberatie ca arhitectura sa faca abstractie de urbanism
UAR: It is an aberration that architecture ignores town planning
RAP DEVELOPMENT: Reviriment al pietei in zonele centrala si de vest
RAP DEVELOPMENT: Market revival in central and western areas of Romania
TOFAN ARKITECT: Concursul specializat - necesar oricarei investitii
TOFAN ARKITECT: Architecture contest - needed for any investment
Estimari de relativa crestere in domeniul materialelor de constructii
Estimates of relative growth in construction products sector
Modificare a modului de realizare a planurilor, datorita recesiunii
Change in the way of developing architectural plans, because of the recession
Modificarea cadrului juridic, necesara revigorarii activitatii specifice
Changing the legal framework, necessary for the revival of contractors activity
Inceput de an promitator din punct de vedere al lucrarilor noi
Promising start of the year in terms of new construction works
Economii posibile de 1.300 miliarde euro datorita reabilitarii, in Europa
Potential savings of 1,300 billion due to rehabilitation in Europe
Stabilizare a vanzarilor, la nivelul marilor furnizori internationali
Stabilizing sales of the main international suppliers of construction products
DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 031-401.63.88