"Branding"-ul companiilor de constructii - de la deziderat la realitate
Branding a construction company - from target to reality
EURO-Constructii, editia a patra, suscita interesul auditoriului
High interest among the constructors for EURO-Constructii Conference
CONSTRUCT EXPO: Grad de internationalizare de 31% a targului
CONSTRUCT EXPO: Internationalization degree of 31% of the fair
APMCR: Reabilitarea termica poate genera 300.000 de locuri de munca
APMCR: Thermal rehabilitation could generate 300,000 jobs in construction
LAFARGE incepe lucrarile la un proiect de 41 milioane de lei
LAFARGE starts works for a project amounting to 41 million lei
Sectorul constructiilor isi reia trendul ascendent din acest an
The growth trend in the construction market is resuming
BRIKSTON: Cota de 17% pe piata autohtona de caramida
BRIKSTON: Share of 17% on the local bricks market
PRAKTIKER vizeaza extinderea retelei comerciale la 45 de magazine
PRAKTIKER aimed at expanding the commercial network to 45 stores
CON-A: "Estimam o crestere a cifrei de afaceri cu 5% pentru 2015"
CON-A: Expectations for an increase in turnover of 5% for 2015
L&W: Circa 500 milioane de euro pentru proiectul din Frumusani
L&W: About 500 million euro for the project in Frumusani
DEDEMAN si-a propus o majorare cu 8% a vanzarilor
DEDEMAN plans an 8% increase in sales, for 2015
PHILIPS: Evolutie anuala de 60% in domeniul solutiilor de iluminat cu LED
PHILIPS: Annual increase of 60% on the LED lighting solutions market
PROINVEST a preluat fabrica Scudas din Pascani
PROINVEST took over the Scudas plant in Pascani
ROMFRACHT: Circa 45 milioane de euro pe piata de fibre pentru constructii
ROMFRACHT evaluates the market of construction fibers to 45 million euro
HEBERGER si-a propus afaceri de 10 milioane de euro
HEBERGER aims 10 million euro turnover in 2015
SEKISUI: Reabilitarea prin spiralare a conductelor castiga teren
SEKISUI: Pipe rehabilitation through spiral technologies gaining ground
ELMAS: Extinderea operatiunilor prin investitii de peste 5 milioane de euro
ELMAS: Expanding operations by investing 5 million euro
Nanotehnologii si materiale traditionale, pentru produse moderne
Nanotechnologies and traditional materials for modern products
TRANE: Sisteme ultramoderne de racire pentru cladiri
TRANE: Modern cooling systems for buildings
ROMSERV INVEST: Fereastra Evolution asigura un consum redus de energie
ROMSERV INVEST: Evolution Window ensure a low energy consumption
IZOTEC GROUP: Izotec Elite Plus integreaza sisteme moderne
IZOTEC GROUP: Izotec Elite Plus window integrates modern systems
ROCKWOOL: Placi termoizolante Ventirock Duo in sistem "Dual Density"
ROCKWOOL: Thermoinsulating panels Ventirock Duo, based on "Dual Density" system
SIEMENS: Distributie optimizata a costurilor in functie de consumul real
SIEMENS: Optimized distribution costs, according to the real consumption
KNAUF INSULATION: Sistem integrat Urbanscape pentru acoperisuri verzi
KNAUF INSULATION: Urbanscape integrated system, for green roofs
VITRAROM: Tamplarie din lemn triplustratificat cu UW=1,28 W/mpK
VITRAROM: Three layered wood joinery, with UW=1,28 W/sqmK
RIMANO DUOGLET: Pereti albi de nu-ti vine sa-i vopsesti!
RIMANO DUOGLET: White walls you won't need to paint!
Standardul Passive House in cazul cladirilor educationale
Passive House standard for educational buildings
Noi reglementari in domeniul eficientei energetice a cladirilor
The new regulations of the energy efficiency of buildings