Primii 500 de antreprenori detin trei sferturi din totalul pietei
The top 500 contractors held three quarters of the total market
TOP 500 Antreprenori si Firme de Constructii din Romania
TOP 500 Contractors and Construction Companies in Romania
Este necesara schimbarea modului de abordare a sigurantei la foc
It is necessary to change the approach to fire safety
Tendinta de crestere a cererii de aplicatii software integrate
Increase of the demand of integrate software applications
Materiale inovatoare pentru constructii sustenabile
Innovative products for sustainable constructions
MASTERSEAL 545: Membrana hidroizolanta bicomponenta de la BASF
MASTERSEAL 545: Cement-based waterproofing product, from BASF
POWER X-CHARGE: Acumulator multifunctional, de la Einhell
POWER X-CHARGE: Interchangeable power system, by Einhell
RIGIPS: Produse incombustibile si sisteme rezistente la foc pana la 4 ore
RIGIPS: Incombustible products and fire resistant systems up to 4 hours
CEILINGROCK: Solutie avansata ROCKWOOL pentru izolarea tavanelor
CEILINGROCK: ROCKWOOL advanced solution for ceiling insulation
MINEX: Tehnologie ultraperformanta pentru reabilitarea peretilor
MINEX: High performance technology for walls rehabilitation
AUSTROTHERM XPS TOP: Polistiren extrudat rezistent la foc
AUSTROTHERM XPS TOP: Fire resistant extruded polystyrene
CERESIT CX 5: Ciment de montaj pentru lucrari cu fixare rapida
CERESIT CX 5: Quick installation cement for rapid strength fastening
BCA CONFORT PLUS: Blocuri profilate de zidarie, prin Macon
BCA CONFORT PLUS: Superior masonry blocks, by Macon
CONFORT 80+: Performante energetice superioare, prin tehnologia STV
CONFORT 80+: Improved energy performance, using STV technology
TERWA: Sisteme GP40/223 si GP50/30 pentru zone seismice
TERWA: GP40/223 and GP50/30 solutions for seismic areas
ISOPALROM: Vitraje destinate amenajarilor interioare complexe
ISOPALROM glazing, for complex interior design
SAINT-GOBAIN: Romania ramane o destinatie importanta de investitii
SAINT-GOBAIN: Romania - an important investment destination for the group
ANL incepe lucrarile la 3.000 de locuinte noi, anul viitor
ANL will start the construction of 3,000 new homes in 2016
STRABAG: Majorare de 33% a afacerilor din Romania, in primul semestru
STRABAG grew by 33% its business in Romania, in the first half of 2015
GRANVIA dezvolta doua proiecte rezidentiale noi, pana la finele lui 2016
GRAN VIA develops two new residential projects by the end of 2016
BERGERAT MONNOYEUR: Contextul mondial ne duce spre o noua criza
BERGERAT MONNOYEUR: Global environment leads us to a new crisis
MACON: Piata blocurilor de BCA creste cu 5%-6% in acest an
MACON: Increase of 5%-6% on the Romanian ACC market, in 2015
LINDAB: Reducerea TVA va avea un impact negativ asupra vanzarilor
LINDAB: VAT reduction will have a negative impact on sales
KINGSPAN tinteste afaceri de 14 milioane de euro, anul viitor
KINGSPAN Romania targets 14 million euros turnover in 2016
CEMACON si-a propus atingerea unei cote de 18% pe piata de caramida
CEMACON aims to achieve 18% of the ceramic bricks market share
ERBASU: Adevarata relansare a pietei va incepe in 2017
ERBASU: The true market recovery will begin in 2017
COILPROFIL estimeaza o evolutie de 10% a vanzarilor din acest an
COILPROFIL estimates a 10% increase in sales this year
APMCR: Industria materialelor de constructii va spori cu circa 2%
APMCR: Romanian construction products market will grow by 2% this year
SKANSKA: Nou ansamblu sustenabil, in zona Politehnicii
SKANSKA: New sustainable office building, around Politehnica area
MAPEI: Crestere a ponderii adezivilor speciali in totalul pietei
MAPEI: Special adhesives market share will increase by 2%-3% annually
MARCOM: Potential de 2.000 de utilaje vandute anual, la nivel local
MARCOM: Potential of 2,000 earthmoving machines sold annually in Romania
HOLCIM: Evolutie de 3%-5% pe piata cimentului
HOLCIM estimate a 3%-5% growth on the Romanian cement market
HUNNEBECK: Majorare de peste 10% pe segmentul sistemelor de cofrare
HUNNEBECK: Growth of over 10% on the formwork systems sector
MAURER: Investitii de 150 milioane de euro, in sectorul rezidential
MAURER: Investment plan of 150 million euro for housing construction
ADEPLAST: Afacerile din acest an pot depasi 315 milioane de lei
ADEPLAST: Business this year may exceed 315 million RON
DEPACO: Vanzarile de tigla metalica s-ar putea dubla pana in 2020
DEPACO: The Romanian roofing market could double by 2020
Importurile acopera o treime din sectorul materialelor de constructii
Imports cover one third of the building materials market
Salt de 10% al volumului lucrarilor de constructii, la noua luni
10% increase in the volume of construction works
Investitii de 8,5 miliarde euro vor fi realizate cu parteneri din China
Investments of 8.5 billion euro can be made with Chinese partners
Incetinire a ritmului de evolutie a afacerilor marilor grupuri internationale
Slowdown in business development of major international groups