Sumarul revistei - conceputa intr-o structura bilingva (romana si engleza) si integrata cu publicatia Fereastra - abordeaza, printre altele, urmatoarele teme principale:
Potential de dezvoltare de 5 milioane mp de hale, in urmatorul deceniu
Over 5 million sqm of halls, to be developed in the next decade
Piata sistemelor de acoperisuri a depasit pragul de 250 milioane euro
The roofing systems market exceeded the threshold of 250 million euro
Industria de iluminat a intrat intr-un ciclu de crestere de cel putin 10 ani
The lighting market has entered a 10-year growth cycle
MASTERPLAST, in fata bornei ce marcheaza 20 de ani in Romania: business de 15 milioane euro si 60 de angajati
MASTERPLAST, in front of the milestone marking 20 years in Romania: business of 15 million euro and 60 employees
Plasa din fibra de sticla Masternet Classic si Premium, cu rezistenta sporita
Masternet Classic and Premium fiberglass mesh with increased strength
István Adorjáni, Masterplast: In productie nu exista rezerve sa absoarba majorarile de preturi; este nevoie de optimizare
István Adorjáni, Masterplast: In production there are no reserves to absorb price increases; optimization is needed
Piata terenurilor anunta o perioada favorabila dezvoltarii de proiecte
The land transactions announce a favorable period for new projects’ development
Managerii cresc bugetele de investitii alocate transformarii digitale
Managers are increasing investments for digital transformation
ANCPI: Lucrari de inregistrare sistematica in peste 1.000 UAT, in derulare
ANCPI: Systematic registration works in over 1,000 localities, in progress
Arh. Stefan Dumitrascu: Suspendarea PUZ este un sabotaj la adresa orasului
Arch. Stefan Dumitrascu: The ATP suspension is a sabotage of the city
BREC: Piata imobiliara moderna a intrat in a treia etapa de dezvoltare
BREC: The modern real estate market entered the third stage of development
STRABAG: Portofoliu de contracte de 330 milioane euro, la nivel national
STRABAG: Contract portfolio of 330 million euro, in Romania
Arh. Claudiu Salanta: 2021 a venit cu avant investitional in zona rurala
Arch. Claudiu Salanta: 2021 came with an investment boost in the rural area
PORR Construct continua sa investeasca in echipamente si digitalizare
PORR Construct continues to invest in equipment and digitization
Arh. Dragomir Dragan, OAR Timis: Suntem intr-o bula care sta sa explodeze
Arch. Dragomir Dragan, OAR Timis: We are in a bubble that is about to explode
Ubitech Constructii: Proiect de maxima complexitate, realizat in doar 13 luni
Ubitech Constructii: Project of maximum complexity, completed in just 13 months
LEVIATAN DESIGN se implica activ in procesul de educare a noilor generatii de ingineri constructori
LEVIATAN DESIGN, involving in the education process of the new generations
CLUSTER TEC promoveaza tehnologiile moderne intr-un domeniu clasic
TEC: A cluster focused on promoting modern technologies in a classic industry
QUALIS are in derulare proiecte de 68 milioane euro pe piata din Brasov
QUALIS: Ongoing projects of about 68 million euro, in Brasov
CONEST SA mizeaza pe un portofoliu de contracte de 100 milioane euro
CONEST SA relies on a portfolio of contracts of 100 million euro
ELECTROALFA investeste in tehnologii si digitalizarea companiei
ELECTROALFA invests in technologies and the company’s digitalization
SOMET se extinde pe piata de infrastructura rutiera si a retelelor edilitare
SOMET addresses the market for road infrastructure and utilities
EPB are capacitatea de a identifica solutii de eficientizare a costurilor
EPB: The ability to identify cost-effective solutions is essential
HFHR a ajutat 90.000 de romani sa aiba locuinte mai bune, in 25 de ani
HFHR helped 90,000 Romanians to have better homes, in 25 years
Cefin Trucks sarbatoreste livrarea vehiculului Ford Trucks cu numarul 2.000 pe piata din Romania si stabileste strategia pentru urmatoarele 1.000 de unitati
Cefin Trucks celebrates the delivery of the 2,000th Ford Trucks vehicle in Romania
BITSoftware: Sectorul constructiilor, in fata provocarilor digitalizarii
BITSoftware: The construction sector, forced to adopt the digital transformation
CITY GARDEN pregateste a doua etapa de constructie a Bonton Luxury Villas
CITY GARDEN is preparing the second stage of construction of Bonton Luxury Villas
BRIDGE BLUE: „Viitorul apartine celor care inteleg realitatea pietei actuale”
BRIDGE BLUE: The future belongs to those who understand the realities of the market
GLASROC X, placa de gips-carton pentru exterior, de la Rigips
GLASROC X, gypsum plasterboard for exterior, from Rigips
ELPEX: Sisteme de sprijin pentru prevenirea surparii excavatiilor
ELPEX: Support systems to prevent excavation collapse
MACARALE PORTAL de la Elmas, pentru cresterea productivitatii
PORTAL CRANES by Elmas, to increase productivity
Performante superioare cu noua surubelnita SF 4-A22 de la Hilti
Superior performance with the new SF 4-A22 screwdriver from Hilti
BAUER Cube System, o premiera mondiala in domeniul forajelor
Bauer Cube System opens new opportunities for designers and architects
Evaluarea post-ocupare a cladirilor, de la deziderat la realitate
Post-occupancy evaluation of buildings (POE), from wish to reality
De la „greenwashing” la „carbon washing” nu este decat un pas!
From "greenwashing" to "carbon washing" is just one step!
TOP 500
Antreprenori si Firme de Constructii din Romania 2021
Contractors & Construction Companies in Romania 2021