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Publicat de AG&F
30 Apr 2013 14:45
 Founded in 1907, the Japanese Corporation AGC recorded a fast development. In the present, it ranks in the top international suppliers which activate on the segment of glazing for the automobile industry and on the construction market. Asahi Glass Company Division performs successful production and marketing operations in Japan, Asia / Pacific, Europe and North America and had nearly 50,000 employees and over 200 consolidated subsidiaries at the end of 2012. During the last fiscal year, the official data indicated a turnover of 1.190 billion YEN (about 12.07 billion USD), out of which the European incomes totalled 229 billion YEN. The Group is present in the region with 18 float glass production lines and a R & D center located in Belgium. The importance of the EU market is significant, given the fact that over 40% of the manufacturing capacity is in the region. The representation from our country was founded in 2003 and registered a consecutive optimal development. Thus, it consolidated a firm position in the group of the main suppliers of architectural glass on the domestic market. In the first decade of operation, AGC Flat Glass Romania supplied products for a number of important projects in Bucharest and the country. The local division maintained unaltered its economic efficiency during the recession and, in 2012, a turnover similar to that reported in the previous fiscal year was registered. The company’s stability was ensured thanks to the implementation of a strategy that is centered on promoting high value added products. Currently, almost all the systems supplied on the local market are certified as "cradle-to-cradle", a fact which will guarantee the granting of extra points during the evaluation of the sustainability characteristics of buildings in which these are included. According to AGC experts, the durable development trend settled firmly in Western Europe and, in a short time, this approach will be applied also in Romania. In what concerns the trends on short and medium term, these indicate a positive adjustment of activity efficiency due to the enrolment on an upward trend of the delivery prices of glazing products for architectural use. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Fereastra issue click here!