Agenda Constructiilor - editia 121 (Septembrie 2016) Print Email
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Analiza Analysis
Piata constructiilor metalice va depasi pragul de 300 milioane de euro
Metal constructions sector will exceed 300 million euro, in 2016
Crestere a interesului investitorilor pentru solutii inteligente de iluminat
Increase of investors' interest for intelligent lighting solutions
Produse & Tehnologii Products & Technologies
Automatizare si IT pentru eficientizarea imobilelor viitorului
Automations, to streamline the future buildings
HabitoTM - produsul care revolutioneaza amenajarile interioare
HabitoTM - the product that revolutionize the interior design
BLUEVOLUTION, noua gama de aparate de aer conditionat de la Daikin
BLUEVOLUTION, new range of air conditioning from Daikin
TE 3-C/TE 3-M: Ciocan rotopercutor puternic, rezistent si versatil
TE 3-C/TE 3-M: Strong, durable and versatile hammer
CAT 815K: Compactor de sol ce respecta normele de emisii UE Stage IV
CAT 815K: Terrain compactor that comply with EU Stage IV emissions
Opinii | Interview
MASTERPLAST estimeaza o evolutie de cel putin 15%, in acest an
MASTERPLAST estimates an increase of minimum 15% in 2016
HELINIK vizeaza majorarea incasarilor la 16 milioane de euro
HELINIK, to increase sales to 16 million euro
CHAPMAN TAYLOR lucreaza la trei noi concepte de centre de retail
CHAPMAN TAYLOR works to three new concepts of retail centers
SINIAT: Vanzari in crestere dupa deschiderea fabricii de la Turceni
SINIAT: Increased sales after opening the gypsum plant at Turceni
XELLA RO: Ritmul de dezvoltare in constructii va incetini
XELLA RO: Slowdown of the pace of construction sector
SIG AIR HANDLING: Dinamica pietei sistemelor HVAC va creste din 2017
SIG AIR HANDLING: The dynamics of the HVAC market, to increase in 2017
ROCKWOOL: Cota de 33% pe piata termoizolatiilor de vata bazaltica
ROCKWOOL: About 33% marketshare on the mineral rock wool sector
ELECTROMAGNETICA: Orientare puternica pe tehnologia LED
ELECTROMAGNETICA: Strong orientation on LED technology
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC: Cererea de energie va creste cu o treime
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC: Energy demand will grow by a third
ARISTON: Sectorul de centrale termice continua sa se dezvolte
ARISTON: The heating systems sector continues to develop
TITAN MAR lanseaza "MUSE onix marble" la Marmomacc, Verona
TITAN MAR launches "MUSE onix marble" at Marmomacc Verona
ANCHOR pregateste un nou ansamblu rezidential in apropierea InCity
ANCHOR plans a new residential project close to InCity
Arhitectura & Design | Architecture & Design
Raportul pentru Bucuresti 2016 - document-pilot al locuirii in Capitala
Report on Bucharest 2016 - guide document for housing in Bucharest
Producatori & Furnizori | Producers & Suppliers
Politica de fuziuni a companiilor continua si in acest an
The merger strategies of the companies are implemented also in 2016
Info-Santiere |Building Sites
Incetinire a ritmului de constructii rezidentiale, in semestrul al doilea
Residential construction slowdown in the second half of 2016
Consultanta | Technical Feature
MDRAP a publicat proiectul Strategiei Nationale a Locuirii
MDRAP published the draft of the Romanian Housing Strategy
Industria produselor electrice si cerintele de sustenabilitate
The electrical products industry and requirements for sustainability
Metode reactive si nereactive de protectie la foc a structurilor metalice
Reactive and non-reactive methods for fire protection of steel structures
Corporatii | Business News
Companiile se confrunta cu capcana de crestere de tip japonez
Companies remain stuck in a "Japanese-style" trap of sluggish growth
Index Furnizori | Suppliers Index

DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 031-401.63.88