Afaceri cu sincope pentru producatorii si furnizorii de usi
Syncope in the activity of for door manufacturers and suppliers
Trend pozitiv al vanzarilor in sectorul local de paneluri
Positive trend for the main suppliers of door panels
Noi paradigme pe piata usilor de garaj/automate, in contextul Covid-19
New paradigms on the garage/automatic door market, due to Covid-19
Obiectiv ambitios de management pe termen mediu - incasari de 5 milioane de euro
Ambitious medium-term management target - revenues of 5 million euro
HYDROPUR 2K COLOR - sistem de finisaj color, pe baza de apa
HYDROPUR 2K COLOR - water-based color finishing system
„Gratie investitiilor din ultimii ani, dinamica vanzarilor va fi accelerata in perioada urmatoare”
Parteneriate stabile pentru consolidarea competitivitatii pe pietele externe
"Thanks to the investments in last years, the sales dynamics will accelerate in the next period"
Stable partnerships to strengthen competitiveness in foreign markets
BRAD GLASS: Livrari de vitraje pentru Stadionul Roland Garros
BRAD GLASS delivers glazing for Roland Garros Stadium
CONF BINALE: Intensificare a livrarilor pe plan national
CONF BINALE: Intensification of deliveries nationwide
ALLY-MET TECHNOLOGY: Investitii in domeniul productiei glafurilor
ALLY-MET TECHNOLOGY: Investments in the production of window sills
Firmele din bransa - preocupate de consecintele pandemiei
Companies concerned about the consequences of the pandemic
Ghidul de montaj al peretilor cortina, un model de virtuozitate tehnica
Curtain wall installation guide, a model of technical virtuosity
COMFORTEX, o afacere care se dezvolta pe baza lansarii de produse noi
COMFORTEX, a business that develops based on new products
Usile automate, solutii perfect adaptate la noua normalitate
Automatic doors, solutions perfectly adapted to the new normality
greenEvolution: Sistem modular, extins prin metode digitale
greenEvolution: Modular system, extended by digital methods
SUNEWAT - solutii din sticla pentru generarea de energie de la AGC
SUNEWAT - glass solutions for power generation from AGC
REALWOOD, folii decorative imitatie de lemn pentru profile din PVC
REALWOOD, imitation wood decorative foils for PVC profiles
FR 90, sistem de aluminiu cu protectie la foc de la Aliplast
FR 90, aluminum system with fire protection from Aliplast
Schuco VentoTherm Twist, solutie performanta de aerisire automata
Schuco VentoTherm Twist, high-performance automatic ventilation solution
KTV 3, KTV 4 si KTV ATRIUM: Usi rotative de la dormakaba
KTV 3, KTV 4 and KTV ATRIUM: Revolving doors from dormakaba