Agenda Constructiilor
Vineri, 27 Septembrie 2024
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ANALYSIS: Brand creation - a complex variable for joinery companies Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 14:01
For companies active in the windows and doors field, create and maintain the mark (so-called "branding process") should be a central element of the development strategy, culminating functions of communication, imaging, consolidation of market share relative to its main competitors etc. The bluntly assertion of the identity has become a necessity undoubtedly in a period in which the...
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ANALYSIS: Fireproofing of the component materials of the facades Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 13:58
Fire resistance of materials which are part of buildings envelopes, regardless of destination, is a characteristic of the utmost importance, risks arising from the likelihood of a fire being real, and the consequences hard to foresee. Although, it would seem that the façades have a decisive role in this respect only insofar provides a direct connection between the inner and outer environment...
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ANALYSIS: Increase of demand for integrated software applications Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 13:55
The local market of software for architecture and construction sectors has embarked on a growth trend in 2015, the most specialized companies in the field showing significant increases (between 20% and 30%) in sales. In 2016, they could record again a growth, given in particular the high demands of architects and engineers regarding the accuracy of projects management at all stages of execution...
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ANALYSIS: The necessity to change the approach in fire safety field Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 13:52
The buildings are designed and assembled in general so as not to encourage the emergence and spread of fires, limiting the initiation and expansion of fire and smoke in the furnace chamber, by restraining the contribution to fire of construction products - one of the main measures to meet the essential requirement of fire safety. The testing and classification of products in terms of fire...
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TECHNOLOGIES: Innovative products for sustainable constructions Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 13:49
The international trade fairs focused on presenting innovations in the construction sector are the main information platforms for the beneficiaries of projects pursuing outstanding properties, in terms of  safety, comfort, energy efficiency and great design. Adapting to increasingly stringent requirements of European legislation on residential buildings and beyond requires a customer...
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SUPPLIERS: Imports cover one third of the building materials market Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 13:47
The revival of the local construction market this year has resulted in an optimal development of the sector in the field of materials and products. The average turnover of specialized companies increased by 2.9% in the first eight months of 2015 over the same period last year. Valued at about 3 billion euro in 2014, the local construction materials market could grow by 3% -5% this year, according...
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SAINT-Gobain: Romania - an important investment destination for group Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 13:43
In 2015, Saint-Gobain has celebrated 350 years of uninterrupted activity, being one of the oldest industrial companies in the world. The group is among the top 100 companies globally and is one of the most innovative 100 companies, according to "Top 100 Global Innovators", conducted by Thomson Reuters. In Romania, Saint-Gobain has eight activities (Abrasives, BRØDRENE Dahl Glass...
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CONTRACTORS: Increase of 10% increase in the volume of construction works Imprimare Email
English Section Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 13:41
According to the data published by Romanian Institute for Statistics (INS), the local construction market continued to register an upward trend in September 2015. The official information indicates that, compared to  the same period in 2014, the developments was about 4.4% (as gross series), and  4% as series adjusted by the number of working days and by seasonal factors. However, the...
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ROCKWOOL: Activitate sustinuta a grupului pe piata nationala Imprimare Email
Izolatii & Finisaje Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 11:00
In primele noua luni ale actualului exercitiu financiar, grupul Rockwool a obtinut o stabilizare a rezultatelor financiare, acestea consemnand un usor avans de 0,9% fata de perioada similara din 2014. Sporul a fost de 1,8%, daca se realizeaza ajustarea de 0,9% generata de efectul valutar. Astfel, in intervalul ianuarie - septembrie 2015, vanzarile au cumulat circa 1,63 miliarde euro (571,6...
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THYSSENKRUPP: Consolidare puternica a activitatii pe segmentul de ascensoare Imprimare Email
Utilaje & Echipamente Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 23 Nov 2015 10:32
Corporatia internationala Thyssenkrupp a incheiat anul fiscal 2014 - 2015 cu imbunatatiri semnificative ale principalilor indicatori financiari. Astfel, veniturile nete au consemnat un spor de 37%, pana la nivelul de 268 milioane de euro, in conditiile in care comenzile s-au situat la 41,3 miliarde euro. Cifra de afaceri la nivel de grup s-a majorat, la randul sau, de la 41,2 miliarde euro la...
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AUGUST 2024!
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Revista Agenda Constructiilor editia nr. 184 (August 2024)


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