Sumarul revistei - conceputa intr-o structura bilingva (romana si engleza) si integrata cu publicatia Agenda Constructiilor - abordeaza, printre altele, urmatoarele teme principale:
Pretul de import indica preponderenta feroneriei ieftine
Import prices indicate the predominance of low-cost hardware
Vanzari optime de tamplarie din lemn, mai ales la export
Growth of wooden joinery sales on external markets
WOHL: Investitiile au determinat scaderea termenelor de livrare
WOHL: Strategic investments has drastically reduced the delivery terms
CIPSOR CONSTRUCT: Majorare semnificativa a cifrei de afaceri
CIPSOR CONSTRUCT: Significant increase in turnover
TEHNOLUX: Multiple obiective de dezvoltare, stabilite pentru 2015
TEHNOLUX: Multiple development targets are set for 2015
Trend ascendent incert in sectorul de ferestre
Uncertain prospects of growth in the thermal insulating joinery field
Solutii de automatizare, pentru cladiri eficiente energetic
Systems and automated solutions for energy efficient buildings
ROTO SAFE H AL: Sistem de inchidere Roto cu actionare din maner
ROTO SAFE H AL: Roto locking system operated from the handle
STROMTECH: Gama de produse Weiss Chemie ofera avantaje inedite
STROMTECH: Weiss Chemie product range offers unique advantages
MEDIAPRESS: Seriile BluEvolution de la Salamander, un succes in portofoliu
MEDIAPRESS: BluEvolution series from Salamander, successful in portfolio
TECTUS: Solutii complete Simonswerk pentru aplicatii diverse
TECTUS: Complete solutions for various Simonswerk applications
Lucrarile conferintei au constituit un succes incontestabil
EURO-Fereastra 2015 conference was a successful event
Prestigiul companiilor - un element vital pentru cresterea sustenabila
The prestige of companies - a vital element for sustainable growth
Ritm sustinut de promovare a noilor tehnologii si solutii constructive
Sustained pace of promoting new technologies and constructive solutions
Dezvoltarea durabila si responsabilitatea sociala castiga teren in Romania
Sustainability and social responsibility are gaining ground in Romania
„Brandingul”, concept obligatoriu pentru o companie de succes
"Branding" concept, required for a successful company
Cei mai importanti producatori locali, premiati la eveniment
The most important producers, awarded at the event
REHAU: Performanta manageriala asigura o cota ridicata de piata
REHAU: Management performance ensures a high market share
DUALSOFT: Dezvoltare continua a gamei sortimentale
DUALSOFT: Continuous development of the product range
ALUKÖNIGSTAHL: Eficienta, performanta si design prin solutii avansate
ALUKÖNIGSTAHL: Efficiency, performance and design, using advanced solutions
ROTO: Crearea de noi produse, o constanta a strategiei grupului
ROTO: Developing new products, a steady group strategy
PROFINE: Contributie esentiala la dezvoltarea de sisteme performante
PROFINE: Essential contribution to the development of advanced systems
VBH: Impact pozitiv al marcii greenteQ pe piata de profil
VBH: Positive impact of the profile brand greenteQ, on the specific market
GEALAN: Strategie concertata de marketing pentru consolidarea marcii
GEALAN: Concerted marketing strategy to strengthen brand
KLAES: Furnizor de aplicatii software complexe si complete
KLAES: Supplier of complex and complete software applications
VITRAROM promoveaza in Romania solutii agreate in Europa Occidentala
VITRAROM promotes in Romania solutions agreed in Western Europe
Rezultatele marilor companii continua sa fie eterogene
Lack of homogeneity in financial performances of the large companies