Agenda Constructiilor
Luni, 31 Martie 2025



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Domenii: Sticla & geam termoizolant
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Producator de sticla pentru constructii.
Prezentare companie/institutie
SISECAM: One billion euro in turnover, on the flat glass segment
Murat Ardıç Yılmaz
Position/Company: Marketing Coordinator, Șișecam.
Sisecam was founded in 1935 to establish Turkey’s glass industry in line with the vision of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic. Today, Sisecam is a strong global player in the fields of glass and chemicals. Sisecam is the only global company operating in all core areas of glass production - including flat glass, glassware, glass packaging and glass fiber. Currently, Sisecam ranks among the world’s top two manufacturers of glassware and the top five producers of glass packaging and flat glass. Sisecam is one of the three largest soda ash producers in the world and the world leader in chromium chemicals.
Sisecam plays a leading role in the flat glass, glassware, glass packaging, chemicals, automotive, glass fiber, mining, energy and recycling business lines. Sisecam operates production facilities in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt, India, and the USA in addition to Turkey.
Sisecam is taking major steps towards its goal of becoming one of the world's top three manufacturers in its main fields of activity. Driven forward by its highly competent human resources and smart technologies, Sisecam is continuously transforming its digital infrastructure and corporate culture taking into account the needs of the future. With 86 years of experience and 24,000 employees, Sisecam conducts production activities in 14 countries on four continents and operates a sales network in more than 150 countries worldwide. Sisecam is moving forward on its growth journey in line with its Global Excellence strategy and powered by an inclusive approach that supports the development of its entire ecosystem. Sisecam takes responsibility for protecting the planet, empowering society and transforming life with its CareforNext strategy, which is compliant with and centered around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Sisecam uses all its experience and competencies to promote sustainable development in every aspect.
- Please, characterize the demand on the glass segment, in the last year, marked by the difficulties generated by pandemic.
- Sisecam is a global player in glass and chemicals industries. The company plays a leading role in the flat glass, glassware, glass packaging, chemicals, automotive, glass fiber, mining, energy and recycling business lines. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been affecting the whole world for the last two years, different sectors have witnessed supply problems on a global scale and production costs have increased. However, the glass industry recorded 5% growth in 2021, with the positive knock-on effects from the easing of pandemic restrictions and higher demand from the sectors to which it provides input. The industry saw demand and price rises in the architectural glass market and new capacities have been introduced. Growth also accelerated in developing countries.
- Specify the turnover at the group level in 2021 in the flat glass segment and the prospects for the current year.
- Sisecam sells its glass products to over 150 countries. Flat Glass sales constituted more than half of Sisecam total sales. Sisecam succeeded in increasing its flat glass sales to approximately one billion euro in 2021.
In 2022, it is expected that the strong demand in the markets will continue and that the market conditions will remain favorable. However, it is predicted that the lack of supply will continue until the end of the year. It is also expected that the sales of value-added products will maintain their upward trend to a varying extent in all markets.
- What was the extent the flat glass group was affected by the Covid-19 crisis?
- In 2021, the world endured periods when it had to quickly adjust to conditions that changed on a daily basis. Ongoing difficulties caused by the pandemic, issues in raw material supplies, and disruptions in supply chains made longer-term planning highly challenging. Demonstrating prudent and well-deserved self-confidence despite the pandemic and global economic challenges, Sisecam made all its decisions with this perspective in 2021. The challenges of the pandemic, difficulties in raw materials supply, disruptions in global supply chains - none of these hindered Sisecam’s success. The many challenges faced throughout the year will not be the first or the last. Sisecam proceeds based on the scenarios developed with competent analyzes against all kinds of possibilities.
- Which will be the main targets on short and medium term? Mention the measures you implement to support these targets.
- Sisecam is performing in line with its goal of becoming one of the world's top three players in the glass industry. The company is moving steadily towards its targets with the corporate strategy focus on "transform and growth", where global excellence and innovation meet sustainable value and growth. Furthermore, digital transformation helps to achieve successful results worldwide. Despite the uncertainties caused by the pandemic worldwide, Sisecam moved forward with its investment plans. While expanding its production capacity with capital investments, Sisecam also aims to offer innovative solutions for the needs of diverse sectors with its advanced production technologies. Whilst designing strategic moves for tomorrow’s market needs and conditions, Sisecam is striding into the future by taking bold and confident steps with an effective and proactive management approach. Sisecam's ever-increasing competitiveness, long-established experience, strong agility, well-qualified human resources, and smart technology capabilities play an important role in achieving the goals. Also, Sisecam pays close attention to society and the environment while confidently advancing toward its goals. Sisecam Sustainability Strategy "CareforNext" was created with the participation of stakeholders as a result of in-depth research studies in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. All investment, production, management, and social responsibility processes are shaped with an approach focused on this strategy. CareforNext is based on the key concepts of "Protect the Planet", "Empower Society", and "Transform Life". Guided by this core strategy, Sisecam is taking major steps towards a sustainable future while aiming for continuous improvement.
-What kind of work do you do within the scope of industry 4.0?
- Sisecam effectively manages all the company’s business operations under an integrated structure across its operating regions. It is committed to offering innovative products to the markets that improve quality of life in line with its focus on achieving sustainable growth with value-added products. To these ends, Sisecam plans to step up its innovation and product development efforts in 2022 in line with technological developments in the sector. In particular, Sisecam aims to collaborate with other organizations as part of its R&D activities and Industry 4.0 studies. Sisecam implemented the digital twin project in our Glass Fiber Factory. In this artificial intelligence supported project, the AI process continues to learn. At the end of the learning process, by the help of the obtained successful models, existing problems will be solved, and optimization projects will be carried out in all production areas of the plant. The second digital twin work is about to be completed at the Flat Glass Yenisehir Factory. Creating digital twins of all facilities are in line with the priority plans. Sisecam’s pilot projects continue, in which smart image processing technologies are used in factory operations. Above all, a Center of Excellence team has been established, whose mission is to monitor and implement this philosophy and developments.
- Offer details regarding the newest products in portfolio.
- Sisecam remains committed to maintaining its competitive and pioneering position in the sectors where it operates. Consequently, Sisecam develops products for different sectors via innovative projects carried out with its Sisecam Science Technology and Design Center - one of the world’s leading glass research centers. Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 40/22 and Neutral 50/25 products were developed to maximize energy savings with maximum thermal insulation, solar control and provide high-level savings in heating and cooling costs. Also, Sisecam Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Green 40/28 product - which creates a green color effect on the facade with controlled daylight, effective heat and solar control - was developed and introduced to business partners in 2021. Sisecam enriched its Solar Control Low-E product portfolio by developing non-temperable equivalents with the same appearance and performance as the Temperable Solar Control Low-E Glass Neutral 50/33 and Neutral 50/25 products. These innovations were introduced in response to emerging customer demand in target markets and evolving customer needs. Collaborative R&D studies are carried out with research institutions, universities, and various start-up companies for glass products demanded by the sector, as well as for innovative smart glass systems.
(articol aparut in revista Fereastra, editia Septembrie 2022)

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Agenda Investitiilor
DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 031-401.63.88
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Revista Agenda Constructiilor editia nr. 188 (Ianuarie-Februarie 2025)


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