English Section
Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu
10 Dec 2012 11:26
 Ten years ago, a group of enthusiasts - managers of local companies specialised in production of thermo-insulating joinery - came together in order to put in practice a great idea: the establishment of a professional organisation for a better representation of their business interests in the relations with public authorities and other kind of nongovernmental associations. Inspired by Western European models, mainly VFF in Germany, the new organization, initially named ANFPR (Romanian Association of Windows Producers) started the activity in the fall of 2002, with 72 member companies. The main objectives of ANPFR were: to create a strong partnership with governmental authorities; to discourage the unfair competition; to develop a modern regulation frame; to encourage the active participation of the members at the specialised international events etc. Recently, the Association celebrated a decade of activity on the market, and this was the perfect opportunity to recompense the most competitive companies and managers in the branch. More than 100 specialists in the field of thermo-insulating joinery, producers, system suppliers, designers and experts in legislation participated at the event, hosted by Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel in Bucharest. On this occasion, the president of PPTT (the current title of the organisation, since 2004) Valentin Petrescu, expressed his gratitude for the special guests, and emphasized that the success of the activity would not have been possible without the support of a group of stable partners, who ensured all the assistance needed for a continuous improvement of the technical results. On his turn, the former president, Marin Cruţescu, added that a further financial support is necessary, in order to meet all the targets established for PPTT’s board of directors. Once again, the officials of the organisation urged to solidarity - the only way to overcome the difficulties generated by the recession. Moreover, in a 2020 perspective, when the compliance with the rules of the directive for energy efficiency of buildings will become mandatory, the Romanian companies in the field, and, even more, PPTT members, must be prepared to offer appropriate products to the local consumers. This is why, a stronger accent must be put on the legal approval of the activities, CE marking, and cooperation with authorities. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current Fereastra issue, click here!