English Section
Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu
25 Iun 2016 10:22
 The market of hardware systems designated to manufacture thermal insulating joinery have recorded in the past three years some changes in structural terms. This fact is not obvious from a simple analysis of the value or quantities of imports, including in terms of average price declared at custom. However, since the national production has a little impact on the amount of total supply, data on deliveries from external producers remain the only relevant, especially, as is known, this information outline the actual size of windows sector. Although the average price remains relatively low - and indicates the import of low value products - increasing the demand has an important effect. At a brief analysis, it appears that the current import level of systems for joinery decreased during last year with 38.72% over the share recorded in 2008, of which for PVC/aluminium profiles and hardware systems the cumulative drop was of 26.41%, while the architectural glass (all sorts and sizes) had a depreciation of 46.71% in relation to the market in the last year before the onset of the recession. Taking into account only the hardware systems, reflecting more accurately the level of activity in the field, there is a decrease of 35.01% for the respective reporting basis (in 2015 versus 2008), which justifies the assumption that the whole sector is now less than 60% of from the level in 2008, when it registered the first decline, minor anyway, valued at 2.5%. Analyzing again the hardware systems import situation, the lack of reliable data in terms of market shares for each class of such systems in part implies an increased attention regarding the structure of imports by country of origin, assuming that, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INS), the hardware comes from certain Asian countries (China, with over 528 tons last per year) would have a quality in accordance with the low price. Also, prices are well below the market average, currently the products from Poland, which invaded the market with 2.770 tons, are occupying the first position in this regard, but without being able to access ranking of the first six sources of origin, because of the low cumulated value (placed under the direct imports from China).