Ferestre de 5,3 miliarde de euro pentru 5,67 milioane de locuinte
Date cantitative ale INS cu privire la valoarea si distributia cererii
Estimare a potentialului real si solvabil al pietei de tamplarie PVC
Puterea de cumparare si alocarile de investitii din bugetele familiale
Distributia cererii pe principalele regiuni din Romania
Analiza ofertei, pe baza unei cercetari complete a bransei producatorilor
Capacitati actuale si optimizare de procesare a tamplariei
Increderea investitorilor - pivotul central al redresarii pietei de profil
Fondul de locuinte din Romania, o constanta pe termen mediu si lung
Metode concrete de ponderare a cererii de ferestre/usi
Ce mult 30% din gospodarii constituie tinta reala pentru producatorii locali
Creditarea investitiilor in eficientizare energetica este singura solutie
Oferta nationala de tamplarie termoizolanta grevata de export si lohn
Impact minor al companiilor cu activitate nefiscalizata
Productivitatea - o problema ce trebuie rapid solutionata
Instalarea si service-ul reprezinta alternative viabile
Piata inlocuirilor de tamplarie PVC creste semnificativ in fiecare an
Adaptarea dinamica si renuntarea la compromisuri sunt conditii obligatorii
Structura cererii pe principalele regiuni
The structure of demand in major regions in Romania
Evolutia cifrei de afaceri in ultimii 7 ani
The turnover evolution in the last 7 years
Productie fizica - valori actuale si optimizate
Production - actual and optimized values
Numar de gospodarii deservite de o companie
Number of households allocated for every company.
More than 5.3 billion windows for 5.67 million households
Quantitative information on the amount and distribution of the demand
Estimation of real PVC market size
Purchasing power and investment allocations for household budgets
The demand in the main regions of Romania
Supply analysis, based on a comprehensive research of the industry
Actual production capacity and possible optimization
Investor confidence - the central axis of the market's recovery
Number of households in Romania is constant on medium and long term
Methods of weighting the demand of windows and doors
Approximately 30% of households are the real target for local producers
Investments in energy efficiency are the solution to recover the demand
National offer is encumbered by exports and "lohn"
Minor impact of the companies with not taxed activity
Productivity - a problem to be solved quickly
Installation and service are viable alternatives
Market of PVC replacement significantly increases every year
Dynamic adaptation and quitting the trade-offs are mandatory