Analiza | Analysis
Crestere de 5% a incasarilor consemnate de fabricantii de tamplarie
Around 5% growth of revenues for joinery manufacturers
Zona Bucuresti-Ilfov reuneste si in continuare numerosi fabricanti
Bucharest-Ilfov area continues to include many manufacturers
Companiile din centru si din est consemneaza cele mai mari vanzari regionale
Companies from the center and east of the country recorded the largest regional sales
Randamentul producatorilor de tamplarie confirma prima pozitie a celor din Capitala
The yield of the joinery manufacturers confirms the first position of the ones from the capital city
Fabricantii de tamplarie continua sa se specializeze
Window manufacturers continue to specialize
Situatia pietei de vitraje, asemanatoare celei a sectorului de tamplarie
The situation of the glazing market, related to the joinery sector
Stabilizarea importului de sisteme din PVC confirma o situatie optima a livrarilor la export
The stabilization in the import of PVC systems confirms an optimal situation in export supplies
Perspective relativ favorabile, incepand din 2015
Relatively favorable prospects starting with 2015
Tabele & Diagrame | Thermal insulating joinery manufacturers
Evolutia numarului de angajati din sectorul de tamplarie
The evolution of the number of employees in the joinery sector
Productivitatea firmelor de tamplarie in functie de regiune
The productivity of the joinery companies by region
Ponderea numarului firmelor de tamplarie pe zone geografice
The share of the joinery companies in different geographical areas
Fondurile alocate de populatie pentru achizitia de tamplarie
The funds allocated by the population for the purchase of joinery
Indexul cumpararii de tamplarie pe zone
The index of joinery purchase in different areas
Ponderea cifrei de afaceri a firmelor de tamplarie pe regiuni
The share of the turnover of joinery companies by region
Evolutia cifrei de afaceri a firmelor de tamplarie pe regiuni
The evolution of the turnover of joinery companies by region
Valoarea pietei de tamplarie termoizolanta
The value of the thermal insulating joinery market
Valoarea productiei realizate de fabricantii de geam termoizolant
The value of the production made by manufacturers of thermal insulating glass
Tabele & Diagrame | PVC and aluminum profiles, hardware systems and architectural glass
Valoarea importurilor de sisteme din PVC si fluctuatia anuala (2008-2015 - estimari)
The value of imports of PVC systems and their annual fluctuation (2008-2015 - estimates)
Valoarea importurilor de sisteme din aluminiu si fluctuatia anuala (2008-2015 - estimari)
The value of imports of aluminum systems and their annual fluctuation (2008-2015 - estimates)
Valoarea importurilor de sisteme de feronerie si fluctuatia anuala (2008-2015 - estimari)
The value of imports of hardware systems and their annual fluctuation (2008-2015 - estimates)
Valoarea importurilor de sticla arhitecturala si fluctuatia anuala (2008-2015 - estimari)
The value of imports of architectural glass and their annual fluctuation (2008-2015 - estimates)
Dinamica trimestriala a importurilor de sisteme pentru tamplarie (2008-2014)
The dynamics of the quarterly imports for joinery systems (2008-2014)
Valoarea si evolutia exportului de tamplarie din PVC (2008-2014) The value and evolution of the PVC export (2008-2014)
Valoarea si evolutia exportului de tamplarie din lemn (2008-2014) The value and evolution of exports of wood joinery (2008-2014)
Structura importurilor de sticla float (2014)
The structure of imports of float glass (2014)
Structura importurilor de sisteme din PVC (2014)
The structure of imports of PVC systems (2014)
Structura importurilor de sisteme din aluminiu (2014)
The structure of imports of aluminum systems (2014)
Ponderea sortimentelor de sticla arhitecturala in importuri (2014)
The share of architectural glass assortments in imports (2014)
Structura importurilor de sticla Low-E (2014)
The structure of Low-E glass imports (2014)
Structura exportului de tamplarie din PVC (2013)
The structure of PVC exports (2013)
Structura exportului de tamplarie din PVC (2014)
The structure of PVC exports (2014)
Structura exportului de tamplarie din lemn (2013)
The structure of wood joinery exports (2013)
Structura exportului de tamplarie din lemn (2014)
The structure of wood joinery exports (2014)
Valoarea exportului de tamplarie din PVC pentru principalele tari destinatare (2008-2014)
The value of exports of PVC joinery for the main recipient countries (2008-2014)
Valoarea exportului de tamplarie din lemn pentru principalele tari destinatare (2008-2014)
The value of exports of wood joinery for the main recipient countries (2008-2014)
Evolutia cantitativa a exportului de tamplarie din PVC (2008-2014)
The quantitative evolution of the PVC joinery exports (2008-2014)
Evolutia cantitativa a exportului de tamplarie din lemn (2008-2014)
The quantitative evolution of the wood joinery exports (2008-2014)
Valoarea importurilor de profile din PVC, aluminiu si feronerie (2002-2015 - estimari)
The value of imports of PVC and aluminum profiles and hardware systems (2002-2015 - estimates)
Valoarea importurilor de sticla float si Low-E (2008-2014)
The value of imports of float glass and Low-E (2008-2014)
Evolutia pretului mediu al exportului de tamplarie din PVC (2008-2014)
The evolution of the average price of the PVC joinery export (2008-2014)
Evolutia pretului mediu al exportului de tamplarie din lemn (2008-2014)
The evolution of the average price of wood joinery exports (2008-2014)
Evolutia exportului de tamplarie termoizolanta (2008-2014)
The exports of thermal insulating joinery (2008-2014)
Evolutia pretului mediu al exportului de tamplarie termoizolanta (2008-2014)
The evolution of the average price of thermal insulating joinery exports (2008-2014)