Sumarul revistei - conceputa intr-o structura bilingva (romana si engleza) si integrata cu publicatia TOP-Fereastra - abordeaza, printre altele, urmatoarele teme principale:
EURO-CONSTRUCTII: Specialistii bransei sunt interesati de noutati
EURO-CONSTRUCTII: The industry experts are interested in the novelties of the third edition
Intensificare a actiunilor de responsabilitate sociala a companiilor
Enhancement of the corporate social responsibility actions
Constructiile se mentin in topul celor mai riscante sectoare economice
Construction market remains among the most risky economy sectors
BAP a proiectat cladirea Ethos House si fabrica CLM din Sibiu
BAP designed the Ethos House building and the CLM factory from Sibiu
BICO INDUSTRIES isi extinde productia de plase de armare
BICO INDUSTRIES expands the production of reinforcing mesh
CRIOMEC vizeaza infiintarea unor filiale in Germania si Ucraina
CRIOMEC aims at the establishment of branches in Germany and Ukraine
MODIMOROM CONS: Majorare de 5% estimata in domeniul pardoselilor
MODIMOROM CONS: Annual growth of 5% estimated on the floor market
FERROLI: Crestere cu 10% a cifrei de afaceri, in 2014
FERROLI estimates an increase in turnover by 10% for this year
SONAE SIERRA: Circa 120 de persoane lucreaza pe santierul ParkLake
SONAE SIERRA: About 120 people work on the ParkLake site
IRCAT-CO: Prognoza de sporire cu 10% a vanzarilor de utilaje
IRCAT-CO estimates a 10% increase in equipment sales
TEST PRIMA are in executie contracte de 5 milioane de euro
TEST PRIMA has in execution contracts worth 5 million EUR
EL-MONT: Trend ascendent pe piata sistemelor de incalzire prin pardoseala
EL-MONT: Ascending trend on the under floor heating systems market
PORR CONSTRUCT: Lucrari de anvergura contractate la nivel local
PORR CONSTRUCT: Important works contracted on the local market
AECOM: Este strict necesara dezvoltarea unei retele de autostrazi
AECOM: It is highly necessary to develop a network of highways
HOLCIM: Livrari de ciment pentru marile proiecte nationale
HOLCIM: Deliveries of cement for major national projects
SIEMENS: Numerosi clienti investesc in automatizarea cladirilor
SIEMENS: Many customers are investing in building automation
RIGIPS: Premise de crestere a pietei de gips-carton, pe termen mediu
RIGIPS: Premises of growth for the drywall market on medium term
RADOX: Noua fabrica de radiatoare, la Campulung Muscel
RADOX invests in a factory for radiators in Campulung Muscel
RUUKKI: Sisteme metalice pentru constructii sustenabile
RUUKKI: Metal systems for sustainable buildings