Sumarul revistei - conceputa intr-o structura bilingva (romana si engleza) si integrata cu publicatia Fereastra - abordeaza, printre altele, urmatoarele teme principale:
Costul digitalizarii creste, pe masura ce tranzitia devine inevitabila
The cost of digitization is increasing as the transition becomes inevitable
Anul 2022, de referinta pentru digitalizarea sectorului de constructii
2022, reference year for the digitization of the construction sector
Avant pe piata izolatiilor: peste 2,8 miliarde euro, prin Valul Renovarii
Boost on the insulation market: over 2.8 billion euro, on the Renovation Wave
Pierderi de 10 miliarde euro generate de blocajul de avizare din Bucuresti
Losses of 10 billion euro generated by the blockage of approval in Bucharest
Concept Structure: Structura mixta neuniforma, la Centrul Cultural Favorit
Concept Structure: Uneven mixed structure, at the Favorit Cultural Center
Serban Tiganas: Mediul construit arata ca este nevoie de altfel de arhitecti
Serban Tiganas: The built environment shows a need for different architects
AICPS: Raportul cost-siguranta, o provocare pentru proiectantii de structuri
AICPS: The cost-safety ratio, a challenge for structural designers
CTP continua investitiile in extinderea parcurilor logistice din Romania
CTP continues to invest in the extension of its logistics parks in Romania
SIXENSE: Crestere a atentiei pentru monitorizarea structurala a constructiilor
SIXENSE: Increasing focus on the structural monitoring of constructions
ACVATOT: Afaceri mai mari si proiecte de 500 milioane lei in derulare
ACVATOT: Growth of business and backlog orders of 500 million lei
SRGF: Nevoie in crestere de ingineri geotehnicieni, in sectorul de constructii
SRGF: Increasing need for geotechnical engineers in the construction sector
BUILDGREEN: Termenul "verde" are noi valente in contextul crizei energetice
BUILDGREEN: The term "green" has new meanings during the energy crisis
CONSITRANS mizeaza pe o crestere de 25% a rulajului, in pofida dificultatilor
CONSITRANS counts on a 25% increase in turnover, despite the difficulties
MULTINVEST se pregateste pentru o noua etapa de dezvoltare
MULTINVEST is preparing for a new stage of development
ETEX continua investitiile in modernizarea fabricilor de gips-carton
ETEX continues to invest in the modernization of plasterboard factories
UGR: Profesia de geodez se cladeste pe precizie si responsabilitate
UGR: The surveying profession is based on precision and responsibility
Arh. Dorin Stefan: Noul context vine cu incarcare maxima pentru arhitecti
Arch. Dorin Stefan: The new context comes with maximum load for architects
Cordia are in plan dezvoltarea unui ansamblu cu 600 de locuinte, in Bucuresti
Cordia plans to develop a project with 600 homes, in Bucharest
BENCOMP - lider al pietei est-europene a lemnului compozit
BENCOMP - leader of the Eastern European composite wood market
ELECTROPROIECT: BIM si proiectare 4D, tinte pentru dezvoltarea viitoare
ELECTROPROIECT: BIM and 4D design, targets for future development
PCE, un birou de proiectare si consultanta tehnica in plina ascensiune
PCE, an up-and-coming design and technical consulting company
HMS-Proiectare: "Sustenabilitatea poate fi un mod de viata placut si pozitiv"
HMS-Proiectare: "Sustainability can be a pleasant and positive way of life"
MELNY: Perspective bune pentru 2023, datorita proiectelor de infrastructura
MELNY: Positive outlook for 2023, due to infrastructure projects
METRIK are in lucru proiecte de anvergura, noi provocari pentru arhitecti
METRIK works at new great projects, new challenges for architects
CONSOFT: BIM reprezinta viitorul in sectorul de constructii
CONSOFT: BIM is the future in the construction sector
CONCELEX: Piata de constructii se afla la rascruce; anul 2023 va fi decisiv
CONCELEX: The construction market, at crossroads; 2023 will be decisive
PLANRADAR: Adaptare flexibila, pe baza feedback-ului de la parteneri
PLANRADAR: Flexible adaptation, based on feedback from partners
LEMACONS: "Provocarile permanente cer transformari permanente"
LEMACONS: "Permanent challenges demand permanent transformations"
eDevize: Toate produsele companiei se adapteaza perfect la sistemul BIM
eDevize: All the company's products adapt perfectly to the BIM system
ArenaCAD: "Ne dorim, pe termen scurt, sa integram tehnologii noi"
ArenaCAD: "We plan, in the short term, to integrate new technologies"
ARHI ACTUS se "aventureaza" in competitii si noi proiecte provocatoare
ARHI ACTUS "ventures" in competitions and new challenging projects
SIEMENS: Prognoze optimiste, pe fondul accentului pus pe eficientizare
SIEMENS: Optimistic forecasts, based on the focus on efficiency
REFLEX distribuie cele mai noi tehnologii pentru proiectarea de structuri
REFLEX distributes the latest technologies for the design of structures
RC BETON BAU, companie in dezvoltare, mizeaza pe o crestere de 60% in 2022
RC BETON BAU, company in development, counts on a 60% growth in 2022
JBA: Este nevoie de un nou ghid pentru managementul riscului la inundatii
JBA: New guidance is needed for the management of flood risk
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC: Solutii pentru cladiri mai sustenabile si confortabile
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC: Solutions for more sustainable and comfortable buildings
TRUTZI: Master plan de extindere si dezvoltare dinamica in perioada 2023-2025
TRUTZI: Master plan for expansion and dynamic development in 2023-2025
AUSTROTHERM: Abordare realist-optimista, pe o piata marcata de riscuri
AUSTROTHERM: Realist and optimistic approach, in a risking market
RELIANS si-a propus sa atinga un business de 10 milioane de euro in 2030
RELIANS plans to reach a business of 10 million euro in 2030
SYMMETRICA: Crestere de 30% a capacitatii de productie, datorita investitiilor
SYMMETRICA: 30% increase in production capacity, due to investments
TOPOCOM: De la teodolit si planseta, la drone si software ultraspecializat
TOPOCOM: From theodolite and planchet, to drones and ultra-specialized software
CITR: Companiile au la dispozitie noi mecanisme de preventie si restructurare
CITR: Companies can use new prevention and restructuring mechanisms
Ziua Nationala a Constructorului a ajuns la a treia aniversare
National Builder's Day has reached its third anniversary
TOP 100 | TOP 100
Clasamentul companiilor globale de constructii, dupa cifra de afaceri
Top 100 global construction companies, by turnover
Clasamentul antreprenorilor europeni de constructii, dupa cifra de afaceri
Ranking of European construction contractors, by turnover
TOP 500 | TOP 500
Antreprenori si Firme de Constructii din Romania 2022
Contractors & Construction Companies in Romania 2022