English Section
Publicat de AG&F
10 Mai 2013 14:18
 VBH ROMCOM occupies a privileged position in the national ranking of windows and doors actuators suppliers, benefiting from the expertise of the German group VBH Holding, which is the largest European trade house of hardware systems for windows and doors. The company has seven logistics centers in our country. During the economic crisis, the group has taken important measures in order to maintain the business dynamics by accommodating its strategy according to the requirements of beneficiaries. Despite the effects of the recession, the main features of the company's activity consist in the explicit orientation towards innovation and the implementation of firm measures for business development such as doubling the storage space in the capital city, the acquisition of additional means of transport and the adaption of supply to current conditions in the industry. Founded in 1997, VBH ROMCOM capitalizes fully the experience of VBH Holding, which activates already for over three decades in the supplying of landmark hardware parts and related accessories. Shortly after its establishment, the local subsidiary of VBH has expanded at national level, having its central warehouse in Târgu Mureş and branches in the most important cities of the country. Through the high-quality logistic services and the programs aimed at enhancing the fidelity of partners, VBH offers to its customers an operative and efficient solution for the optimal hardware and accessories supply. In what concerns the structure of supplies, lately, the company sold mostly hardware systems (with a share of 50% of total sales), accessories (30%) and composite materials for customizing curtain facades and interior / exterior doors. The success of the commercial offer was also revealed through the fact that, although in 2011 VBH ROMCOM recorded a 15% sales increase, up to a threshold of about 38 million RON, in 2012, despite the adverse conditions, an increase of about 10% of the incomes still took place. It also can be noted that in the second year of the economic crisis, the financial results of the Romanian subsidiary were solid, totalling 33 million RON. For further information and a detailed analysis of the current TOP-Fereastra issue click here!